
 Celebrate Recovery - Thursdays @ 6pm

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our lives.

If you have any hurts, habits or hang-ups (in other words if you’re human), CR is for you. To find out more about the program nationally, click here!

Our group is based on gender-divided “mixed-issue” small groups, where we gather with those struggling with various issues and discover how much we have common. You may find yourself by someone with issues around food, issues around chemicals, issues around emotions, or various other issues that damage our relationship with others and with ourselves.

To get an idea of what kinds of issues people often bring, you can check out the “issue pamphlets” from the national Celebrate Recovery website.

A Newcomers Guide provides an overall labeling of these issues

These pamphlets for individual issues provide more specifics relative to that particular issue:

Chemical Dependency,
Physical / Sexual And/or Emotional Abuse for women
Physical / Sexual And/or Emotional Abuse for men
Physical / Sexual And/Or Emotional Abuse: The 12 Steps
Adult Children of Family Dysfunction
Gambling Addiction
Sexual Addiction
Sexual Integrity for Women
Food and body issues
Love and relationship addiction
Co-dependent Women in a relationship with a sexually addicted man
Freedom from Anger
Mixed Issues
Mental Health
Racial Injustice
Welcome Home Veterans: Military Sexual Trauma
Welcome Home Veterans: Combat-Related Post-Traumatic Stress
Welcome Home Veterans: Spouses and Family Transition

We meet at 6 pm in the church fellowship hall for fellowship and a large group lesson. That is followed by small groups.