The Nest:

Join us on the first Thursday each month as we serve a meal to Birmingham's homeless community. Contact Martha Stack for more details.

Has been paused due to COVID-19.

First Response Team:

This team is trained in early response in the event of a disaster.

Prayer Team:

Call the Prayer Request Line

Barbara Ingram - (205) 631-5112


Homebound Ministry:

We hope to care for all our members, even if you can’t make it to church and have to stay home. If you are homebound at any time and unable to come to church, we go live on Facebook each week if you would like to engage with the worshipping community in real time!

If you would like to receive Holy Communion as part of “extending the Table”, contact Pastor Sarah to set up a time on Sunday afternoons after worship.

Want visitors? We would love to stay connected! Let Pastor Sarah or our Lay Leader Sue Dial know if you would like her and a lay team to make a home visit for connection and prayer.

Fultondale CO-OP

We participate in the local food bank through donations and active serving! Our congregation assists with packing food donation on the third Thursday of each month at 5 pm. On the third Saturday each month, we help serve households from 7 to 9 am. The CO-OP is located at 1419 Stouts Rd in Fultondale. Please join us in serving and witnessing to our community!