Check back here for seasonal or occasional EXTRAS with Fultondale!
You will likely see Fultondale go through a few changes over the coming months. After the appropriate, months long process of discernment according to the North Alabama Conference, Fultondale voted to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church in April 2023. This will be approved at Special Session of Annual Conference on May 11, 2023, at which time this congregation will no longer be a part of the United Methodist Church. Fultondale has discerned to affiliate with the Global Methodist Church, keeping with their Wesleyan heritage, and will begin that process.
Fultondale will change our name to Fulton Springs Methodist Church. Please give us time to update signs, websites, emails, addresses, etc. We look forward with hope to this new season.
Pastor Sarah Goodwin is also no longer be the pastor at Fultondale as of May 11, 2023. She has been reappointed to another church to serve alongside her husband, Taylor, as co-lead pastors. She prays blessing over Fultondale’s ministry and the community to make strong disciples of Jesus Christ.
Past Announcement and Events
Join Pastor Sarah in daily devotionals during the 2022 Lent season. Take a pause in your day for a few minutes of Scripture, prayer, and maybe even music!
Want to know more about Lent? Click here.